Share Photos of Your Garden

Share photos of your garden by emailing them to: [email protected]

Ceanothus with teasels by Anne G

Poppies in Marilyn & Graham’s front garden

My border by Joyce P

Late spring in Marilyn and Graham’s garden

Spring is a coming in by Marion K

Autumnal Acer and bug hotel by Marion K

Planting Irises in Marilyn & Graham’s new pond

Giant Tithonia by Marion K

12ft Pawlonia by Chris R

Clerodendrum Bungeii by Chris R

Fuchsia by Chris R

Garden visitor 2 by Chris R

Garden visitor by Chris R

Succulent cuttings by Leila P

Marilyn & Graham’s front garden July 2023

Marilyn & Graham’s back garden July 2023

Marilyn & Graham’s new pond July 2023

Umbrella plant gone lantern shaped by Leila P

Barbecue planter by Leila P

Ladybird by Leila P

Ladybird by Leila P

Robin by Leila P

Robin by Leila P

Daffodils by candlelight by Leila P

Snowdrops by Marion K

First Dafodill by Marion K
First Daffodil by Marion K

Early flowering Christmas cactus

Pam C’s stunning Christmas cactus

Marilyn's squash harvest

Marilyn and Graham’s bumper harvest of squashes and pumpkins

View from bathroom window

View of the South Downs from Marilyn and Graham’s garden

HGC Garden Trail 2022 at Leila’s garden
HGC Garden Trail 2022 at Leila’s garden
‘A beautiful early Spring view on the north side of Hove Recreation ground’ Jacky H
‘My viburnum and Exochorda looking lovely’ Marion K
‘My first narcissi in flower’ Marion K
Stunning & dramatic colours of the Royal Pavilion in Brighton by night. Our thanks to Leila P for submitting this photo.
Writes Leila P: ‘This just shows different animals can get along. My Tora and our pet fox. 
This happens most nights. if she says yes they can go for the food’
‘Autumn Colours’ sent in by Leila P
Autumn Rudbeckia in my front garden
‘Autumn Rudbeckia in my front garden’ Jacky H
Look at this Chappie with a chair all to himself. Thanks to Joyce R for sending in a photo of her parsnip.
‘My front door on 1st October’ Tessa L
Charlie the Club mascot, knitted friend and pumpkin
Audrey B emailed in this super photo of a pavement display in Westbourne Gardens and says it brightens up her daily walk!
Pat A’s bright blue ‘Sea Holly’
Viv’s stunning garden showing the veg patch
Pat A’s beautiful Astilbe

Jennie K emailed some fabulous photos of her garden recently and we thought you’d like to see them
‘the pond with the yellow flag irises’
Jennie K emailed some fabulous photos of her garden recently and we thought you’d like to see them
‘a place to sit and enjoy the birdsong, the humming bees’
Jennie K emailed some fabulous photos of her garden recently and we thought you’d like to see them.
‘defences against marauding sparrows!
Tessa L’s stunning rose which greets visitors next to her front door
‘Do you come here often?’ Charlie, Marion K’s tortoise, meets a garden visitor
How about these beauties? Spotted in Worthing town centre by Leila P
Joyce P sent us this photo of her stunning Tulips. We think you’ll agree they are worth updating here!
Spring is truly here in Tessa L’s garden

Pat A’s stunning japonica enjoying its sunny south facing position
‘Another rainy lockdown day – another batch of marmalade’ Marion K
This is my first Amaryllis in bloom. I thought it might cheer you all up. Chris R
‘My garden in the rain. So many pictures are taken in bright sunshine but I thought I’d take this one in the rain as it looked so refreshing’ Leila P.

My white Brugmansia Marion K
Ginger Lily Marion K
Haemanthus Albiflos ‘Shaving Brush Plant’ Marion K

Marion K ‘A Great spotted woodpecker, who visited us 2 days running and spent at least 15 minutes on the pear tree’
Pat E ‘I’ve been told these are Rose Chafer Beetles’